- Dual Menu: FAB Menu & Side Menu
- Side Menu Style: Layout – 9 & 99 without logo
- Customizable Side Menu Width
- Customizable Side Menu Open/Close Toggle Button Icon Image
- Side Menu Text Transform Option
- Customizable FAB Toggle Icon Color & BG Color
Layout Preview:
You can customize side menu open/close toggle button icon using image URL.
Example Icons:
FAB Menu consists first three features of an app, you can hide first three features from side menu using CSS nth-child formula as listed below.
.layout.fabmenu3 #sidebar ul li:nth-child(-n+3) { display: none; }
Note: This layout is Compatible with Self-hosted Siberian SAE, MAE & PE from v-4.20.23 and above.
Layouts updates change-log: https://shop.webvista.co.in/layouts-updates/