Private: In-app-link tutorial for Mr. Rolf

Go to Demo Test Source Code feature and click on the Source button.

Now click on the arrow button.

Now select your feature for which you want to get in-app link data and click OK.

Now click on the Source button to view in-app-link.


(1) Categories section:

For categories you’ll need to fill both data params and data state.

Suppose your in-app-link code is: <p><a data-offline=”true” data-params=”value_id:22″ data-state=”places-list”>All places view</a></p>

Here your Data params is: value_id:22 and Data state is: places-list

(2) Offers section:

For offers you just need to fill only data params such as value_id:155,promotion_id:11

At here your value id is fixed, you just need to change promotion id only. You can’t get promotion id from the in-app-link.

How to get promotion id?

Open your web app (Left sidebar > Settings > Domain) in the browser and from homepage categories, click on offers.

It will display all discount offers there, click on the image for which you want to get a promotion id.

Now see the browser address bar where you will find the promotion id at the last.

Suppose your promotion id is 12 then your data params is: value_id:155,promotion_id:12

(3) News section

For news section there’s no data params required.

(4) Coupons section

For coupons you just need to fill only data params.

Suppose your in-app-link is: <p><a data-offline=”false” data-params=”value_id:213″ data-state=”loyaltycard-view”>Loyalit&auml;ts-Karte-eigenart</a></p>

Here your Data params is: value_id:213

(5) Job section

For job section, you just need to use your job module fixed data params which is: value_id:167